Horse Insurance
We know that the Icelandic horse is unique. That is why it needs insurance just like other family members. By insuring your horse, you avoid incurring unforeseen costs and having to worry about its welfare.
We offer seven types of insurance for horses that you can combine in different ways, depending on your needs. We only offer horse insurance if you have other insurance with VÍS.
Please contact us or visit our offices if you need more information — we are happy to assist you.
Broodmare Insurance
The insurance includes limited life insurance and loss of use for breeding insurance. It also includes prospective foal and foal insurance, which is valid until the foal is 30 days old.
Horse Liability Insurance
The insurance covers costs that you may incur under tort law if a horse owned by you causes personal injury or property damage to a third party.
Horse Health Insurance
The insurance pays compensation for medical expenses resulting from an illness or accident.
Limited Horse Life Insurance
The insurance pays compensation if the horse dies as a result of an accident or illness, if immediate euthanasia is recommended by a veterinarian or if the horse is lost and is not found within 4 months despite a search.
Riding Horse Insurance
The insurance provides good coverage for anyone who owns a horse for recreation purposes. The insurance includes limited life insurance and loss of use for riding insurance.
Stallion Infertility Insurance
The insurance provides loss of use cover for breeding. Stallion Infertility Insurance can only be purchased as part of life insurance.
Thoroughbred Insurance
Our most comprehensive horse coverage and a good insurance policy for owners of competition horses.