Hoppa yfir valmynd


Here you will findunderlineinformation about VIS's board of directors and subcommittees, their rules of procedure and governance. The VIS board of directors is elected for one year at a time. Five directors and two alternate directors are elected.

Board Members

Stefan Hedinn Stefansson

Chairman of the Board

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Hrund Rudolfsdottir

Board Member

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Marta Gudrun Blondal

Board Member

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Asgeir Helgi Reykfjord Gylfason

Board Member

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Vilhjalmur Egilsson

Board Member

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Vice Board Members

Sveinn Fridrik Sveinsson

Vice Board Member

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Ragnheidur Hrefna Magnusdottir

Vice Board Member

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Subcommittees of the Board

Risk Committee

  • Stefán Héðinn Stefánsson
  • Vilhjálmur Egilsson

Audit Committee

  • Knútur Þórhallsson
  • Hrund Rudolfsdóttir
  • Vilhjálmur Egilsson

Remuneration Committee

  • Hrund Rudolfsdóttir
  • Ásgeir Helgi Reykfjörð Gylfason
  • Stefán Héðinn Stefánsson

CEO and Managers

Guðný Helga Herbertsdóttir


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Anna Rós Ívarsdóttir

Chief Human Resources Officer

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VIS wants to have good communications

with investors, shareholders, analysts and the media.

All major shareholder announcements should be submitted to the Compliance Officer.

Compliance Officer

Vig­dís Hall­dórs­dótt­ir

Deputy: Arnar Mar Bjorgvinsson


Head of Investor Relations

Erla Tryggvadóttir

660 5260
