Legal Disclaimers
Information on the website of VÍS tryggingar hf. (VÍS) is published to the best of the Company's knowledge at any given time. However, it cannot be guaranteed that all of the information is correct, and VÍS is not responsible for any transactions entered into on the basis of such information. Moreover, the information and opinions expressed on the website are subject to change without notice. VÍS also does not guarantee the accuracy of any information from third parties that appears on the website.
VÍS shall not, under any circumstances, be responsible for any damage that may result from the information that appears on the Company's website, nor for any damage that can be directly or indirectly attributed to its use. Moreover, VÍS shall not, under any circumstances, be responsible for damage that can be attributed to the fact that it is not possible to use the website, for a shorter or longer period.
VÍS owns the copyright to all the information that appears on the Company's website, unless otherwise stated or if the context suggests otherwise. The written consent of VÍS is required to reproduce information that appears on the Company's website, distribute it or copy it. This applies regardless of the nature of the information or for what purpose it is intended to be reproduced, copied or distributed. However, VÍS’s customers are permitted to save such information for personal use.
E-mail disclaimer
This e-mail and its attachments contain information that is solely intended for the recipient of the e-mail. Anyone who by accident, mistake or without special authorization receives an e-mail and its attachments must comply with the fourth paragraph of Article 88 of Act No. 70/2022 on Electronic Communications and maintain utmost confidentiality and neither record nor use their content in any way. The sender must be notified immediately if the information has been delivered to the wrong recipient and the message must be deleted. The content of the e-mail and attachments is the responsibility of the sender if it is not related to the activities of VÍS.
It is not permitted to use the employee list for marketing purposes, such as sending mass e-mails to employees.
Recording of telephone calls
In order to ensure the professionalism and legitimacy of transactions or communications between VÍS and its customers, customers are made aware that phone calls to VÍS may be audio-recorded and communications may be recorded; see Act No. 70/2022 on Electronic Communications.
The recordings may be used as evidence in disputes that arise between VÍS and its customers, including disputes that are referred to a court of law. Recordings are handled in accordance with the Act on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data.