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Ökuvísir Terms and Conditions

Ökuvísir is an insurance solution in vehicle insurance where policyholders with VÍS tryggingar hf., registration number 670112-0470 (hereinafter referred to as "VÍS"), gain access to a custom mobile application (hereinafter "the app") and a measuring device (hereinafter "the device"). In Ökuvísir, it is possible to have both the mandatory vehicle liability insurance and comprehensive vehicle insurance (hereinafter collectively referred to as "vehicle insurance").

The aim of Ökuvísir is to increase traffic safety and reduce traffic accidents. Through the app and the device, VÍS collects certain information about the driving behavior of the policyholder and other users of the insured vehicle (hereinafter "the vehicle") and calculates a driving score based on how safe the driving is. The vehicle's driving score affects the price paid for vehicle insurance. The policyholder and/or other users of the vehicle receive encouragement to drive well and can influence the price of vehicle insurance through their driving behavior and the number of kilometers driven.

These terms of use apply to Ökuvísir. The terms for vehicle insurance are governed by the terms for mandatory liability insurance BA10, the terms for comprehensive vehicle insurance BK10, and the general terms YY10, as they stand at any given time.

About Ökuvísir
Information about the Service Provider and Responsible Party for Personal Data
Activation and Identification
Rights and Obligations of VÍS
Obligations and Responsibilities of the Policyholder and Other Users
Permissions, Disclaimers, and Limitation of Liability of VÍS
Notifications, Changes, and Effective Date

Please contact us or visit our offices if you need assistance – we are here for you.